Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thoughts on Prop 8

I voted yes on Prop 8.  Absentee voting is a wonderful thing.  Voting yes of on 8 was not a difficult decision for me.  Unlike a lot of people I do not believe Prop 8 is a civil rights issue.  It is all about how you define marriage.  Is it between 2 people or between a man and a woman?  Where does your definition of marriage come from?  Traditionally here in America marriage has been defined as the union of a man and a woman. If we change that then we will have to revise our translation of the bible.  The word marriage is found 35 times in the NASB and 49 times in the NIV.  God did not intend women to be joined with women or men to be joined with men (Romans 1). (feel fee to try and prove me wrong)  So how could someone proclaiming to be a christian vote no on prop 8,  I am not sure.   Please explain if you plan to.

I do not think we need to change the definition of marriage here in America or California to be tolerant of "alternate" life styles.  We can be tolerant of alternate lifestyles with out changing the definition of marriage.  Now let me be clear when I say tolerant I do not me I approve of their choice to live the way they do.  They are living in sin and while they may not want me to I still pray for them.

God has given man over to his evil desires before, we must pray he will not do it again.